Friday, May 25, 2007

Neil Boortz is scum...

I was driving home from work yesterday and heard a call on his show. The caller was commending Al Gore for suggesting an approximately $50.00 cut in payroll taxes and the caller was explaining how it would greatly help his family gas budget. Scumbag started laughing hysterically exclaiming that the caller was whining about a matter of $50.00 and that gas may be higher than it was in the past but to whine about $50.00 was ludicrous. This is the mindset of the elite right wingers. He acted like everyone in this country makes enough to shrug off the prospect of an extra $50.00 a paycheck. I am surviving the hikes with little or no problem but even my modest salary would see a positive impact from the tax reduction. We haven't had a minimum wage hike in recent history and there are a large number of Americans making $6.00 an hr or less. This is WELL below the poverty line. The next time you hear a conservative ridiculing a fellow American for needing $50.00, ,remember who you're voting for when you vote republican.


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