Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Preface not included

I was thinking today that there is a fundamental misunderstanding of the bible as a whole by the Christian population as a whole. Well nearly anyway, it’s always bad to speak in such absolutes. The bible is a collection of stories that some if not most will take as actual historical accounts of real life events. I guess it’s all due to the absence of context in the non-existent preface. I am always taken aback with someone if the subject of Noah or the garden of eden come up. It’s painfully obvious to me that these stories are meant to be nothing more than stories with a message. Very few people actually know about Adam’s first wife Lilith.

The church phased out these passages as it was deemed to convey that god was not infallible and they didn’t want to do that. “They” are the group of people who decided which stories and which parts of stories that were going to be included in the final draft of the modern day holy bible. With missing pieces of the puzzle people are led to believe in something quite false. To me, the missing passages of the bible are key in determining the validity and context of the original texts used to compose the bible. So basically, a group of people gathered these texts from various parts of the middle east, decided which ones gave validity and foundation for a religion, and decided how Christians and Jews alike would follow their deity.

You also need to understand something. Christians are very particular when it comes to whose message they hear. Hence the reason for the various denominations both Catholic and Protestant alike. One of the reasons I have always been against a theocratic type government is because that would mean that someone other than myself would be determining my line of thinking and interpretations of faith and the bible as a whole. I think what has slipped by most people is that the bible itself is a testament to what I have just said. If in fact god did speak to the authors of the bible you can assume that human nature led these authors to interpret the message as their own perceptions allowed.

“The message received is not always the same as the message delivered”

In conclusion, man has given the path to Christianity, not god. All texts in the bible were written by people with limited understanding of the world and were subject to individual interpretations. You also have to take into account the severely botched translations of the King James version due to the fact that the languages were dead, even in 1611 when it was first published by the church of England. This means that the translations are subject to the same type of error that modern day archaeologists are prone to make when attempting to translate ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Not to mention the fact that in modern days, people who claim god told them to do something are often locked up.

Just a thought..

Friday, March 14, 2008


I seem to have the same reasons for disliking Hillary as most. Is it just me or is the tone of Obama's camp slightly different than that of Hillary? Doesn't Hillary sound like the same old Washington BS?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A denial of fact

I was just thinking to myself that as a younger man I often thought of scientists or those interested in the subject of science to be boring, dull, annoying, and often infuriating people. Those geeks running around with their pocket protectors and glasses. What do they know? What did ten years of school teach them but to deny god?

This is due to my warped perception of reality at that point in my life. A very non-existent reality where science is false and the only truth is in the book. Yeah we accepted that there were sedimentary rock, igneous rocks created by volcanoes, and even that limestone was created by the compression of dead animals on old sea beds. But not ancient ones, no way. The bible tells us differently. Despite overwhelming evidence that the earth is much older than the bible might indicate. In fact, it’s 583,000,000 X older based upon biblical references the ENTIRE UNIVERSE was created 6000 years ago.

Now that my religious views have matured I clearly see this to be a falsehood yet so many so called "Adults" still believe every line of a book written by people who were "directed by god" to do so. Why is it that those people happened to of had it right and people like David Karesh are wrong or false prophets. I get it that Karesh was a bad guy but he’s one guy in a long history of people who claim to of been guided by a divine hand. See below:

"I feel like God wants me to run for President. I can’t explain it, but I sense my country is going to need me. Something is going to happen... I know it won’t be easy on me or my family, but God wants me to do it."
--George W. Bush commenting to Texas evangelist James Robinson in the run-up to his presidential campaign

In conclusion, why deny know fact based upon religious scriptures written in a time where there were two states of existence. Light, and greater light (Moon and Sun, Night and day) Then there were the godless, moonless, dark nights where evil was on the prowl. A clear misunderstanding of the world and the world around and in no way qualifies the authors of the bible to perceive any will of any god. The bible clearly has moral lessons for all of humanity to follow. I believe wholeheartedly that Jesus is a great example for any human being to follow but I don’t believe that the religious right has it right. Not on this issue.

Spitzer swallows?

Spitzer resigning today is another example of the hilarity of American politics. We tend to cling onto the stories that don't really matter it seems. Gay marriage, flag burning, and abortion outrage you can file alongside this story in the long list of things that don't matter. I know Christianity and I also know that there are several passages about judgement and humility that happen to be from Jesus himself. I also know that if I accept, befriend, and for some even tolerate these supposed sinners that in the end, if and when I meet the maker there will be no discussion of other people's lives. If I have lived a virtuous life and even if I have not, only I will bear responsibility and only my personal actions and motives will be on trial.

Why can't we discuss the real issues facing America such as foreign oil dependence, gas prices, health care, disease, poverty, prison reform, education reform, and port security? These are just a few of the issues we face and if the right would put away their moral hard on for just a minute they'd realize that the issues I have cited and America in general could be better served by paying attention to the things that make America better for all her citizens.

Spitzer hurt the feelings of those who trusted him. I'll give you that. I will not however be a part of the political witch hunt. The only way he hurt the state of New York is by doing something so stupid that the American media repeats the stupid yet personal mistakes over and over and from every angle. There is indeed a media bias but I think it's more towards the politics of personal destruction than it is a liberal or Democratic bias. MSNBC and CNN have had their breaking news banner up all day and all night since the governor first announced there was impropriety and he was sorry. Fox of course had their FOX NEWS ALERT banner up just the same. The man had a personal failing and because of the media was not able to overcome such a private matter. At this time there are no allegations of misuse of public funds nor have any charges been filed.

A man who made a horrible mistake in his private life is now publicly shamed for a very personal matter that had 0 bearing on job performance until he couldn't possibly get to work without irrelevant questions being posed. Sound familiar Mr. Star?

The MSCNFOX network presents GOSSIP!
A joint venture between CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, and The National Equirer.
Tuesday March 12 - next year, 24/7 coverage. We'll explore the world of Eliott Spitzer and his godless ways. Once we've covered this and every element of the story we promise to keep doing it. Spitzer's destruction of American morality on the next GOSSIP!

Also, stay tuned after the show for an inside look at the pricks who killed Terry Schiavo, why they hate women, the liberals in congress who stopped us from saving her from the guy who had legal right to do what he did, and the liberal doctors who think they know it all after 10 years in school.

We'll also try to figure out why republicans (who are supposed to be the rich ones) have sex in public bathrooms and why democrats who are supposed to be for the poor call $2000.00 an hour hookers.

The unseating of Florida and Michigan Delegates: My letter to every DNC leader.

You cannot, I repeat, CANNOT allow Michigan and Florida to revote unless the process is funded by the states themselves. To say that they can't revote with their own funding would be problematic for our party as it would be seen by the public as disenfranchisement despite the fact that the rulebook was right there. The leaders of these states made the choice to disobey Democratic election rules and were even warned of the consequences. The DNC should not fund these elections in any way if they are to occur. The DNC should make the case against the leaders of these states that brought this upon themselves. The voters in Michigan and Florida were disenfranchised by their own leaders and not by the DNC or Democratic party. This point needs to be driven home by DNC leadership. Leadership should also squelch Hillary Clinton on this matter. Despite what she and Bill have done for this country they are now tearing the Democratic party apart with partisan politics and failing to adhere to DNC rules that were CLEARY stated ahead of time. Their consistently claiming wins for the states are a slap in the face of the party and shows acceptance of the breaking of party rules. The Democratic party has a chance to seize the day and change America for the better through Barrack Obama. He has more delegates, nearly a million more popular votes, and a clear and indisputable lead in this race. As the race continues the funds that would roll over to the general election are being depleted because of one particular sore loser. Even as we speak the chance of McCain winning grows greater as we fight amongst ourselves and all due to the stubbornness of Hillary Clinton.

I hate the term cut and run because of the way it was used against us for wanting to protect our troops but I can assure you of one thing; I WILL cut and run from this party if leadership allows for these injustices to continue due to weak leadership from you Mr. Dean.

I am and have been a registered Democrat for all 13 years I have been eligible to vote. My opinions are not shared by most people in my state and I can assure you that this situation allows for strong convictions on my part. We cannot allow Hillary to tear this party apart. Failure to curtail her antics will further destroy America as a whole once McCain and Bush’s policies are re-elected. We can’t allow this to happen my friends, we just can’t.

His blackness